티스토리 뷰

노트/Fortran 연습

Program 4.1. 곱셈표의 출력

Jae-seong Yoo 2014. 4. 27. 16:16
PROGRAM Multiplication_Table
!	Program to calculate and display a list of products of two numbers.
!	Variables used are:
!		M, N	 				: the two numbers being multiplied
!		PROD				: their product
!		Last_M, Last_N	: the last values of M and N
!	Input		: Last_M and Last_M, the largest numbers to be multiplied
!	Output	: List of products M * N

	INTEGER :: M, N, Last_M, Last_N, Product
	PRINT *, "Enter the last values of the two numbers :"
	READ *, Last_M, Last_N
	PRINT *, "M   N   M*N"
	PRINT *, "============"
	DO M = 1, Last_M
		DO N = 1, Last_N
			Product = M * N
			PRINT *, M, "   ", N, "   ", Product
END PROGRAM Multiplication_Table


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